Saturday, May 24, 2008

To Clarify

I am not a cow, I do not moo.
I am not usually so simple that my cat would take notice.
I am, rather obviously, not right in my head, as I feel compelled to have a responsorial blog to one conducted by my cat.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


So I must comment on the Sharkbutt's assessment

Do foodchik have hobbies? (me correcting the Inklish, this kid not so swift) Her itch a lot, and drool.

Ok, the kid is quite swift and her English is impeccable even when she's trying to engage with this cat. I don't itch as much as he does, and I only droll when I'm asleep.

What her favorite color? Her wear a lot of black, but me heard her say that her favorite color are some kind of blueness.

Actually, today I'm in a flamingo pink mood.

What her favorite food? me want to say fitch cuz that me favorite food, but me know her seem to have an unhealthy robsession wif chicken.

It's not an obsession, it's just good for my heart.

What her real name? Foodchik's real name is foodchik. Though her mom call her Skull.

My mother does not call me Skull, she does occasionally call me Petunia.

What her do for fun? Her pet me, sometimes her go in her kayak and fall in and touch fitch but not bring them home. Me a little bit bitter about this. Her read stuff.

Apparently, I write blogs for both my cats and myself, exercise, do massage and reiki.

What kind of mewsic her like? Her like pretty much anything but Bluegrass. Even the plinky plink massage mewsic with water running in the background that make me need to pee.

This would be true.

Ok, me fink that 10. In case you wonder, her snorp and her moo.

I don't moo, I've woken myself up snoring so I suppose that's true.

At any time

This could get way ugly. I'm parked in the recliner contemplating the post-prandial nap. On the top edge of said recliner are parked Puppy D and Stripe J, a/k/a the big cats. Generally, my presence is enough to spark wars between these two, fortunately, at the moment Stripe is grooming himself, whilst resting his hoof on my hair and periodically giving my hair a lick as well. Puppy is casting the evil eye on the whole arrangement. That's kind of her deal, the evil eye. My fear is that Stripe will remove his hoof from my head, rest it on Puppy and they will fight on my head and my head will get the worst of it. Yes, we've been down this road before and nope, not pretty. Not even a little bit.

First of All

I am not a cow, nor do I moo. I do oink though, and meow when I want the cats attention.