Thursday, May 15, 2008

At any time

This could get way ugly. I'm parked in the recliner contemplating the post-prandial nap. On the top edge of said recliner are parked Puppy D and Stripe J, a/k/a the big cats. Generally, my presence is enough to spark wars between these two, fortunately, at the moment Stripe is grooming himself, whilst resting his hoof on my hair and periodically giving my hair a lick as well. Puppy is casting the evil eye on the whole arrangement. That's kind of her deal, the evil eye. My fear is that Stripe will remove his hoof from my head, rest it on Puppy and they will fight on my head and my head will get the worst of it. Yes, we've been down this road before and nope, not pretty. Not even a little bit.

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