Thursday, May 15, 2008


So I must comment on the Sharkbutt's assessment

Do foodchik have hobbies? (me correcting the Inklish, this kid not so swift) Her itch a lot, and drool.

Ok, the kid is quite swift and her English is impeccable even when she's trying to engage with this cat. I don't itch as much as he does, and I only droll when I'm asleep.

What her favorite color? Her wear a lot of black, but me heard her say that her favorite color are some kind of blueness.

Actually, today I'm in a flamingo pink mood.

What her favorite food? me want to say fitch cuz that me favorite food, but me know her seem to have an unhealthy robsession wif chicken.

It's not an obsession, it's just good for my heart.

What her real name? Foodchik's real name is foodchik. Though her mom call her Skull.

My mother does not call me Skull, she does occasionally call me Petunia.

What her do for fun? Her pet me, sometimes her go in her kayak and fall in and touch fitch but not bring them home. Me a little bit bitter about this. Her read stuff.

Apparently, I write blogs for both my cats and myself, exercise, do massage and reiki.

What kind of mewsic her like? Her like pretty much anything but Bluegrass. Even the plinky plink massage mewsic with water running in the background that make me need to pee.

This would be true.

Ok, me fink that 10. In case you wonder, her snorp and her moo.

I don't moo, I've woken myself up snoring so I suppose that's true.


Fireblossom said...

Ok, me donut get this blog. The Englich ish goofy here.

It wood stil maybe be an ok blog if it had lots mor about PIZZA!

My foodchik made hamboogas tonite, I got the pan. Dat's innerestink, dats wut reederz want to reed. Dat n PIZZA!

yor frend


Shark Butt said...

Hi Bosco,

I no the inglitch is goofy, foodchik messes it up.

Me might be willing to try fitch pizza. I donut no. Hey her right on my blog so me right on hers. hahahaha!